Many think that its impossible for one person to make a difference.  When everyone has an apathetic attitude, nothing will ever get accomplished and nothing fixed.  If everyone does a little some to, in this case, help the planet, big changes can take place!  The world can’t be fixed over night but if everyone took some time to make minor changes in their lifestyle to become a little more greener, change can happen with little effort from everyone.  These are a few things that one can do in under 30 minutes to make a difference in the world, to help save the planet.  First, leave your car at home.  Greenhouse gas emissions from cars can cause health damages.  Try carpooling if a group needs to go to the same place.  If you are only going a short distance, use a bike or walk to get some exercise.  Public transportation is always available, especially in cities, and research has shown that people who take public transportation are generally healthier than those who don’t.  Next seems simple.  Just like mom always used to tell you, eat vegetables!  Eating less meat helps the planet cut back on greenhouse gases and saving land.  You can also switch to reusable shopping bags.  It seems like almost every store has their own bags that you can pick up for a simple dollar to carry your groceries home every time you shop.  It saves countless numbers of plastic bags that don’t get recycled in the long run.  They are also made out of materials that don’t harm the environment at all.  Next step would be to simply change your light bulbs!  LEDs and compact fluorescent light bulbs are more energy efficient and end up cutting back on energy use and in turn on your energy bill as well.  It is said that if every household replaced just one regular incandescent light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb, it would prevent 90 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions from power plants.  The last way to help save the planet in little ways that make a big impact is to pay your bills online.  It saves paper since the companies don’t have to mail out bills and it cuts back on the emissions from the mail having to travel all around the globe.  It is even easier since some bills can be automatically paid for you at a certain time every month!  With all these little things, people can make a huge impact on saving the planet!